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Sunday, May 3, 2009

[AIMSA "Unity in Diversity"] Re: CORRECTION:Mr. Sarvendra Shukla

       I am Sunil Adhiakri(general secretry and spokeperson of AIMSA-bangalore chapter).On behalf of ALL INDIA MADHESI STUDENT Ii would like to welcome you on madhesi think tank.As you are Spokeperson of TMDP we want to meet you in NEPAL with our reporters members.We be coming between june end or july first week so need appoiment with you and your central student association wing too.Hope we will get  soon response from you.

With Regards,
Sunil Adhikari
AIMSA- Bangalore chapter

On Fri, May 1, 2009 at 7:18 PM, Ratan Jha <> wrote:
Dear Members of the Madhesh Think Tank,
Last week, I had a privilege to introduce Mr. Shukla and Dr. Jha to this Forum. I used incorrect designation for Mr. Shukla. He is in fact the General Secretary cum Spokesperson of Terai Madhesh Democratic Party (TMDP). He also looks after the Department of International Relations for the Party.
My apology!!
Ratan Jha

On Fri, May 1, 2009 at 7:34 AM, sarvendra shukla <> wrote:
Dear Binod Shahji and all members,
             Thanks a lot to everybody to welcome me in yur group.We r in mission to see that madhesh n madhesis who were deprived from their rights from centuries r going to achieve it as autonomy with rts of self determination.Have their own province,their justful participation in centre as well.We need moral support of all.The first support required is moral support of intelectuals,n i think this exchange of views thru u all will allow us not only to have it but also to make an environment to have intl support of all who believe in just ful rts and inclusive democracy.hope cooperation and co-ordination frm all in future.Thanx once again.  

Date: Wed, 29 Apr 2009 15:35:41 -0700
Subject: Re: New Members: Sarvendra Shukla & Vijaya Jha

Bijay Rautji and all members,
We are growing day by day and everyday some new members are joing our think tank and still more to join.
I think we all collectively get the email addresses of other madheshi intellectuals, politicians, scientists, engineers, officers, teachers and other professionals.
We will request them to join our think tank.
Also our members can propose their names.

Binod Shah, MD

--- On Wed, 4/29/09, Binod Shah <> wrote:
From: Binod Shah <>
Subject: Re: New Members: Sarvendra Shukla & Vijaya Jha
Date: Wednesday, April 29, 2009, 6:24 PM

Dear All,
Lets welcome Shuklaji and Jhaji to our think tank.
Binod Shah, MD

--- On Wed, 4/29/09, Balkrishna <> wrote:
From: Balkrishna <>
Subject: Re: New Members: Sarvendra Shukla & Vijaya Jha
Date: Wednesday, April 29, 2009, 11:32 AM

I also follow Ram Sah jee in welcoming Mr. Shukla and Jha...
Welcome again!
Bal Krishna Jha/Nepal

On Tue, Apr 28, 2009 at 11:53 PM, Ram Sah <> wrote:
Welcome Shukla Ji and Jha ji.
Ram N. Sah, Ph. D., President
Sah Group Inc
1731 Research Park Drive, Suite 101
Davis, CA 95618
Dir:530-792-7205 Mobile:530-409-5167
Fax: 866-833-4003

On Tue, Apr 28, 2009 at 10:52 AM, Bijay Raut <> wrote:
Please join me to welcome Sarvendra Shukla & Vijaya Jha jee to our Think Tank family.


On Mon, Apr 27, 2009 at 9:40 AM, Ratan Jha <> wrote:
Dear Bijay ji:
I fully support the inclusion of Dr. Sangeeta Mishra.
I'd also like to request to add the following individuals - who in my opinion can only add value to this Forum:
1. Mr. Sarvendra Nath Shukla, Leader of TMLP, (
He's the Vice President and also the Spokesperson for TMLP. While in KTM, I'd privilege to read his OpEd in the local paper - which explained the contemporary Terai/Madhesh issues in a nutshell. He's very well known in Nepali politics and may not need any formal introduction.
2. Dr. Vijay K. Jha, Houston, TX (
He's a Ph.D. in Civil Engg (Structure). He's extremely knowledgeable of the contemporary politics of Nepal. He's Life Member of ANTA, and also runs a charitable organization (Simara Samaj Kalyan) in his home district, Sarlahi, to provide quality education to the children of Dalits and other economically disadvantaged groups. He's also the member of the Editorial Board for the global NRNA Magazine.
Thank you,
On 4/27/09, bipin shah <> wrote:

Dear Bijay Ji,
I would like to invite Dr. Sangeeta Mishra ( to join the madhesh-think-tank. She has keen interests in Nepali politics, and I believe her addition will benefit us. She is an MD and practices in Biratnagar. Currently she is pursuing an MPH at John Hopkins on a Fullbright Scholarship, and is planning to go back to Nepal after her stay in the US.


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Ratan K. Jha
President/Managing Partner
Global Royal Investments, Ltd
7171 Hwy. 6 North, Suite 201
Houston, TX 77095
Phone: (713) 478-0991

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[AIMSA "Unity in Diversity"] मधेसी र थारु लाई हेर्ने दलित को दृष्टिकोण

dw]zL / yf?nfO{ x]g{] blnt b[li6sf]0f



 /+lht sgf}lhof


t/fO{df a;f]af;/t blnt dw]; d"nsfx? kxf8L eGbf km/s zfl//Ls agfj6, /xg;xg, vfgkfg, e]ife'iff, efiff, k]zf, afgL Joaxf/, wfld{s, ;fdflhs / ;f:s[lts /Lltl/jfh ckgfpg] g]kfnsf blIf0fL efudf j;f]jf;/t tyf g]kfn ;/sf/sf tkm{af6 blntsf] ;aeGbf dflyNnf] lgsfo /fli6o blnt cfof]un] ;lrs[t u/]sf @@ j6f hfltx? dWo] !& j6f t/fO{sf hfltx? S|dz tTdf, vTj], rdf/, d';x/, b';fw, 8f]d, xnvf]/, af't/, sf]/L, vl6s, lr8Ldf/, kYy/s66f, kf;L, sn/, sslxof, wf]aL, ;/e+u ;+u} o; If]qdf -t/fO{_ a;f]af;/t s]lx cNk;+Vos hf] lo dfly pNn]lvt hfltx?sf laz]iftf glhs 7fGg] s]lx c? hfltx? clwsf+z cfk"m dw]zL eGg dg k/fp5g\. o;sf ljleGg sf/0fx? x'g ;S5g, oL dWo] s]lx k|d'v sf/0f t/fO{ / dw]zL df eGbf klg cfkm'x? ljutdf t/fO{df a:g] kxf8L d'nsf jf lo d"nsf blnt jf hghfltaf6 ;d]t xfdL lautdf lt af'7fx? 7flgPsfaf6 7luPsf, xfd|f] gfdsf] ;'lawfx? Kfxf8L d'nsfx?n] t/fO{ / dw]zL Pp6} jf t/fO{ blnt÷hghflt jf dw]zL blnt÷hghflt gfdsf ;a} kmfO{bfx?nfO{ t/fO{ zAbdf ld;fP/ krfO{ ;s]sfn] casf lbgdf oL alGrt ;d'xx? g]kfn÷g]kfnL zAb dgk/fP klg t/fO{sf 7f'pdf dw]zL zAb n]vfpg hf]8 lbG5.  

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k]zf= ;dfhzf:qL

7]ufgf uf}zfnf !, dxf]t/L

With Regards,
Contact no. :- +919886015017    
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"We are the Young Soul of Young Madhes."

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[AIMSA "Unity in Diversity"] Fwd: [foss-nepal] New National Anthem

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: अनिल पि. घिमिरे <>
Date: 2009/4/29
Subject: [foss-nepal] New National Anthem

I've got this, while surfing net... have a look...

सयौं थुँगा प्रचन्डको जुँगा
तान्ने हामी नेपाली
सार्वभौम भई फैलिएका YCL र माओवादी ।
बन्द हड्ताल कोटी कोटी फोहोरको आँचल
जो कोहि वादी आए पनि भारतकै दलाल ।
कान्ति छैन शान्ति छैन
अभावै छ केवल नेपालीपन
बाँकि छैन नामको मात्रै नेपाल।
गुटवन्दी र फुटवन्दी छ समस्या छन् विशाल
प्रतिगामि राष्ट्र हाम्रो कठै विचरा नेपाल !!!



Mark Twain  - "Get your facts first, then you can distort them as you please."

With Regards,
Rahul Kishan
General Secretary of UYFM
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