Just remember year 2065
Compare to the earlier year, 2065 mostly give improvement in the democratic system of Nepal. 2065 year mainly focus to make new constitutions of Nepal by elected CA members by people. 2065 year starts with the new faces of CA members by the polling held by end of 2064, these CA members came with many responsibilities to the people & nation as to make Constitution of Nepal. In 2065, 240 years old Narayanhitti places got vacant & country has got 1st President & vice-President. Last year, Nepal government have peace talk with dozens of underground armed Madhesi groups but these all peace talk was not positive to Madhesi people.. Still violence by groups' persistent to the Madhesi people. Close leaving few change in the democratic system of nation, last year not give advantages to the nation people, these people have spent their half of year without electricity in their addresses.
Lets hope this year bring peace in the country with new constitution of Nepal.
By starting 2065, Mr G.P.Koirala was the Prime Minister of Nepal, on his ruling time Kingdom nation change as Republic nation. On Jestha 15th the country was declared as republic nation. On the same day former King Gyanendra got notice by majority of the CA members to depart Narayanhitti place in 15 days & government planed to make museum to that place. Ex-king with family goes behind the notice & leaves the place by 29th Jestha & mend to Nagarjuna Place. Further on 4th Sharawan country got 1st Prsedinet Dr R.B.Yadav & Vcie-President Pramanad Jha by election process. After a long eleven year Struggled with people war in Nepal, NCP (maoist) got chance to create Government, where Maoist Supreme Mr Prachand was elected as the Prime Minsiter of Nepal. In Same Month Koshi Tatbandh break, which effect very badly flood to the people of Nepal & India, still now people are suffering from that flood. Ashwin 3rd ruling Government forwards the budget of country to the citizens. In Chaitra, 2065 student union election was held to the government colleges & also in the same month 28th sub-election of six CA members' seats election held.
with kindest regards,
Vijay Kumar
Nepal Co-ordinator &
Vice-President, AIMSA-India
Ph No: +977-9804810366 / 9741175158
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