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Thursday, November 6, 2008

[AIMSA "Unity in Diversity"] Re: Army Integration: An instrument which can destabilize Nepal

Hello all,

As if the load of integration was not enough, the NA is recruiting fresh 2500 soldiers + Hindu staffs:

"The Nepal Army is seeking to recruit 2,400 new soldiers, unmoved by deepening controversy about the fate of Maoist guerrilla fighters.
Along with the soldiers, the army is also seeking to hire 27 assistant Hindu priests and 457 "followers", whose duties would range from looking after the horses in the army to washing clothes."

I think the CPA has in it that neither parties could hire more personnel....


Bal Krishna

On Thu, Nov 6, 2008 at 5:23 AM, rakesh mishra <> wrote:
Ram Manohar
I exactly agree with u..Madhesi leaders sspeaking for or against army integration of PLA is really what u call Begani Shadi me Abdullah Diwana...I had a blast after a long time......What they shud talk is "group" entry of Madhesis in national army which means to me creation of Madhesi Batallion.....
Or if were to be asked, I will go for coplete dissolution of army in Nepal.....for me Rukmagat Katwal and Barshaman PUn...ek hi thaili ke chatte batte hai...

On 11/6/08, Ram Manohar <> wrote:

Dear Sujit Jii, Ram Jii, Biplav Jii and others,

The basic premises of the dicussion itself seems to be Media hype.
These fundamentals are not strong enough even for argument shake.

Where is it proven/writen that Army is not motivated by certain
quarter? Just 2 years back, Army was in hot dicussion. Go back to the
history of 1960's and yesr 2002 and you will realise the way it helped
to demoralise democratic setup. And, isn't it the same army, which
fought the citizen of country (what was the motivation?) in the name
of insurgency.

If 1 lac Amry + 1 lac police are already there, then how come just 10%
increase (i.e around 20K) will create so much of ripple. Either from
expense perspective or overall size perspective.

I am not for any pro-againt argument. But the arguments dicussed are
itself insufficient. And at the last, we all know that the same Gun/
bullet Power (invisible understood) superiority will decide the Yes/No
of integration.

Now on the V V important topic. Why should I be bothered about? Isn't
it like "Begana Saadi may Abdulla Diwana". Either integration or not,
it is not improving life of people on south plain. It values less as
southern citizen.

Ram Manohar

On Nov 5, 12:22 pm, Biplav Yadav <> wrote:
> Excellent thought.I do agree with this. We have to feed this into the  mind of Terrian Leaders and parliament members. Everybody should overwhelmingly reject this proposal and  PLA should seek alternative for rehabilitation.
> Biplav Yadav, MD
> Family Health Care Inc.
> McArthur, OHIO
> Tel: 646-420-1872
> > Date: Tue, 4 Nov 2008 03:23:10 -0800
> > Subject: Army Integration: An instrument which can destabilize Nepal
> > From:
> > To:
> > Dear Friends,
> > I would like to share my views on Maoists militia merger with Nepal
> > Army, I would be happy  to know your ideas on the same!!
> > One of the poorest countries in world yet extremely rich in natural
> > beauty, Nepal is currently facing her biggest challenge   till date.
> > After a grueling civil war for almost 15 years, Nepal is steadily but
> > continuously heading on a path of peace and reconciliation. The blood
> > spilled during the conflicts has left an incurable scar on common
> > Nepalese hearts, the pain it has caused is inconsolable but still
> > thanks to brave Nepalese hearts, and we are up again to move on.
> > It was our continuous belief in peace and harmony that prompted us to
> > take this moderate path. People of Nepal want to forget the tyrannical
> > past and this is strong urge and sentiment of our people which has
> > enabled a state of stability but in truer sense we are far behind to
> > achieve our goal.
> > The current situation has not changed enough to give ourselves a
> > belief to be optimistic, the present state of confusion has arisen due
> > to different reasons. One of them being the issue of "Army
> > Integration". According to UN sources there are more than 19000
> > Maoists combatants at barracks while Nepal army has strength of about
> > 75000. For a poor country with a population of 25 million, I do not
> > see any good in having such a lavish security expenses. If a attack is
> > made on national integrity, then obviously all of 25 million people
> > will be available to sacrifice their lives for the motherland but in
> > normal condition, we do not see any relevance in having such a huge
> > army when virtually they are of no use in reconstruction of the state.
> > There has been a talk of integration of Maoists militia into national
> > army, a step which will definitely not lower down the count of
> > security personnel. I am opposed to this move because of some very
> > fundamental reasons. Firstly, Nepal in no ways needs such a huge army
> > to secure her sovereignty, so the expenses incurred on them will be an
> > unwanted burden on national treasury.
> > Secondly, the Maoists militia is personnel trained and committed to
> > some ideology which I can bet can create conflicts when there is a
> > clash on political differences. I am not doubting any of Nepalese's
> > honesty but it is hard but truth, that a politically motivated group
> > cannot assure of being nationalist all the time. So there will always
> > be a question in front of the army? Is there anybody to justify how
> > our future will be secure in hands of a doubtful security agency?
> > Thirdly, Maoists through their civil war has injected a new thought in
> > common Nepalese mindset that if you can lift a gun, your voice will be
> > heard. The trend is a super-hit formula to fulfill your political
> > ambitions, and in recent time, this trend is replicated by many
> > opportunists creating a state of sheer confusion and chaos. When all
> > of these groups demand tomorrow to be integrated with the national
> > army, what will be the structure of our National Army then?
> > I would like to make an illustration here with reference of Indian
> > Freedom Fight, the army of Netaji Subhash that is Indian National
> > Army(INA)  which fought with British forces and were instrumental in
> > bringing British army to their knees, but still they were not
> > integrated with the army of Independent India(Barring few exceptions).
> > Though personnel of INA were Indians, they fought Britons they weren't
> > mixed with army of India because of a simple fact that the national
> > army and politically motivated army cannot have similar approach and
> > so there would always be conflicts amongst them which ultimately will
> > hamper national interests. In Nepal, the Maoists have not fought with
> > any foreigner rather they have fought with their own countrymen; they
> > have fought with this present Nepal army, then how can there be
> > unification? If this unification is made forcibly then it will be
> > weakening the security system.
> > Then question arises "How to Manage Maoists militia". It is a genuine
> > question and ha to be resolved wisely. There can be rehabilitation
> > programs to consume them in mainstream, they can be given vocational
> > trainings to make them competent to earn their bread and butter, the
> > authority in Nepal should take a bold step in creating job
> > opportunities which will not only lower the burden of Government  but
> > also will help in economic revolution. We have many areas where we can
> > improvise and have a huge number of jobs created for example, Tourism,
> > Hydroelectricity, agriculture, Nepalese handicrafts, and garments.
> > Hope  the decision making people will take bold and wise decisions in
> > days to come!
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